Coin payout
more_vert Mini-Hopper
WHM 100
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WHM 100
All coins with 16 to 27 mm of diameter and a thickness of 1.2 – 3.3 mm can be paid out with the same disc. Thus, all Euro coins can be paid out using just one hopper type with almost no modification. As a...
more_vert Mini-Hopper
WHM 200
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WHM 200
The WHM 200 uses different discs to pay out all coins from a diameter of 16 mm to a diameter of 26 mm and a thickness of 1.6 mm to a thickness of 2.5 mm. With its compact design, the WHM 200 is the ideal choice...
more_vert Hopper
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dual sensor at coin exit // autodiagnostics with error indication // automatic stopping when hopper is empty // anti-jamming feature
more_vert Electronic counting scale
HZW 100
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HZW 100
The HZW is applied not only for continuous monitoring of the coins but also for the fast filling of the hopper without coin selector. The serial interface can be used for planning serive as the filling can be...